Amazon Baby Purchases We Loved For Liam

The Best Amazon baby purchases that we have loved for Liam might be my most favorite post yet – I love sharing the things that…

The Best Amazon baby purchases that we have loved for Liam might be my most favorite post yet – I love sharing the things that we love and use with you all!

Hello, and Happy Holidays everyone! I hope you are all having a great start to your holiday season.

I wanted to share some of our Best Amazon baby purchases we’ve made over the last 9 months or so for Liam, in hopes that I can help some of you new mamas or mamas-to-be with your gift shopping for your little ones.

I should mention as well that any purchases made using my affiliate links will result in a small commission. My little family thanks you for your support – it means everything to us. Without further ado, let’s get into it!

  1. Baby Spinners – We have used these with Liam since he was about 4.5 months old. They have been not only perfect for entertainment during bath time, but we have also used them while going out for a meal, shopping, in the car, at home, you name it. He loves these things!
  2. Sweety Fox High Chair – We began looking for a new high chair with more support and different positions when Liam took a little longer to begin to sitting up on his own without needing a support to hold him up. This thing is perfect – You can put it in position so that baby is laying down, propped up with foot support and up straight when your little one is finally sitting tall (this happened for us around 8 months). It also comes with a toy attachment that Liam LOVES to play with after he has finished his meal. A treat for eating his meal!
  3. Reversible Foam Play mat – Over the summer, I was still working my full-time from home position, and needed to find a way to keep Liam entertained but also safe in case I was needed for work. We decided to buy this play yard enclosure and these play mats (seperately). Our apartment has mostly hardwood floors in the living areas, so knowing that I had something to keep him from getting hurt in the event I wasn’t right next to him made it easier for us to keep an eye on him, and for Liam to have some independent fun. Win-win in my book!
  4. Portable Changing Pad – When I tell you that I WISH I had this when we flew to St. John with my family this summer – I 100% mean that. This thing has been a lifesaver more than once for us. Can you believe there are still women’s bathrooms that don’t have changing stations?! I’ve used this when visiting my in-laws, going to the mall, a restaurant, and even in the car. The fact that this has a compartment for the wipes, diapers, and anything else you might need made it so easy for me to be able to take this on the go. Perfect for sure if you are someone that will be traveling with your little one.
  5. Drawer Dividers – If you know me, I LOVE organization. If I had the money, I can guarantee my home would look like The Home Edit (Anyone else love their work)? These have helped me so much in keeping all of his clothes separated by item, by size, you name it. It has also made it much easier for my husband or mom when they are looking for something in a pinch without having to dig through drawers and looking at clothing tags.
  6. Merlin Magic Sleep Sack – While Liam no longer uses these (just very recently did we stop), we used these from 4.5 months until 9 months of age with Liam. When I tell you this was the only thing to help him stay asleep most nights, it definitely was “magic.” The double layers of fabric give it a “weighted” feel, almost like an anxiety blanket which I believed helped him in getting to sleep and staying asleep.

There are obviously so many more products that we use on a daily basis – but these have truly made a difference in our day-to-day with Liam at every stage. I will share a few other products below that we have loved as well. I hope this was helpful for any of you reading this. Did you have a product that gave you an “aha” moment? Share it in the comments for some inspiration as well!

xoxo, Tiff + Liam